Sunday, July 14, 2013


I'd like to preface anything I might say in this blog with the acknowledgement that I know nothing. All the thoughts in the posts ahead may be total truth, or a complete load of bull. All I ask of you as the reader is that you might take the time to mull over my propositions to see if you might agree with any aspect of my thoughts.

If you agree or disagree with anything I say, let me know. Just as easily as I might appear to be completely confident with one thing I might write, I could completely shift my thoughts/beliefs/views simply by someone inputting their thoughts on the matter.

So, with that in mind, welcome to the vessel for my thoughts to grow, progress, and identify themselves to me. While knowing I can't know anything, I'd still like to feel as if I've identified with at least some bit of truth. Through this blog I intend to propose my thoughts in such a fashion that others might help me along in this journey and that I may continuously grow.